Managing our Churchyard for Nature

As we continue to look how the decisions we make as a church community, impact on the environment we are looking at how we can best manage our Churchyard so that is is a haven for wildlife and also an area that people can visit. 

Like other churches, we have decided that we will  leave some parts of our graveyard un-mown for periods during the summer. This will encourage grasses and wildflowers and also provide much needed shelter and food for invertebrates, insects, birds and small mammals. 

Below is a picture of the churchyard at the back of the church that is being left un-mown over the summer months. 

However this requires time and effort so we are always on the look out for people to volunteer some of their time - and any expertise- in helping us in the Churchyard. You do not need to be part of our Church congregation to get involved. For more details please email us by clicking on this link. 

Churchyard of All hallows

During June 23, we took part in the Churches Count on Nature survey. Several members of our congregation spent some time after our Sunday service to identify species of flora and fauna with the help of two trained naturalists. In the picture below you may be able to spot some of the people taking part in the survey and attached is a summary of some of the species that we found in our Churchyard. We hope to  repeat the survey in 2024 and find more species. . 

Nature count at all hallows