Parish News & Updates from PCC
We have changed and, hopefully improved, the way we communicate with people in the parish and further afield.
We publish an e-Bulletin which people can sign up to receive via their email. This is normally published on a weekly basis and gives the latest news and details of forthcoming activities across our three parishes. So if you are away or unable to come to Church you can still find out what is happening. For more information and to sign-up, go to the e-Bulletin page on this site.
We have no longer publish our Parish Magazine. Previous issues can still be viewed in the Library which is accessed from this page.
The PCC (Parochial Church Council) meets a minimum of 4 times in the year and its membership is from members of our parish and congregation. Its function is to work with and support the vicar in a range of parish matters including spiritual, legal, financial, pastoral and missionary. Any person on the Parish Electoral roll can request a copy of the minutes of the PCC meetings. Please email the vicar to request a copy. From 2022 a summary of each meeting is provided on this website. The summaries for PCC meetings held in 2022 and 2023 can access from the Library on the link to the left of this page. The summaries of meetings held in 2024 are provided below.